Diana Mateus


Full Professor (CNU 61) at
Centrale Nantes
the SIMS team from the LS2N lab.

Since 2018 I have been the holder of the MILCOM Chair. MILCOM aims to design machine-learning methods that explicitly consider the challenges of analysing medical images such as dealing with volumetric multi-modal and heterogenous data, small and imbalanced databases, and/or limited access to expert annotations.

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Neural Networks and Image Reconstruction

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Graph Neural Networks for survival analysis

PhD Candidates: Younes Moussaoui (2022-2025) - Funded by: ???? M”ael Millardet (2018-2021) - Funded by: MILCOM Chair Master student: Hernan Carillo (2020) - Funded by: MILCOM Chair

We propose multi-lesion graphs to caracterise full-body PET images of diffuse large-B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) patients, instead of single lesion or full image approaches, graphs explicitely model the varibilities in size and number of lesions. Relying on a Graph-Attention-Network (GAT) on top of the multi-lesion attributed graph, and based on a prospective dataset of more than 500 patients, we provide estimages for the 2-year progression free survival of DLBCL patients [ISBI2023]. We have further adapted and extended this approach with a multi-modal self-attention block to integrate clinical tabular data within the prediction [AI4Treat@MICCAI2023]